Healing Oasis
Unique Energy Medicine
Best Way To Rid
Yourself of Parasitic Invaders
Full Moon Parasite Cleanse

Parasites, despite some being microscopic, can have a macro impact on our health. They inhabit various parts of our bodies, including the brain, eyes, skin, intestines, lungs, liver, muscles, blood, bones, joints and more. Invasive organisms can lurk within us, causing a multitude of health issues, yet they often go unnoticed due to their flu-like symptoms.
Do You Suspect A Parasite Issue? What Are Signs?
Some signs of parasite infection: Nocturnal drooling, night sweats, abdominal pain, dark circles under the eyes, aneamia, indigestion, and cravings od salt and sugar, low immunity, headaches, rashes, itching, cough, running nose, hair lose, dark spots on the skin, skin tags, inflammation of joints, bloating and more.

You may have tried supplements, tinctures, sweats, and more, but the issue remains. The problem is that parasites are an intelligent life form with an innate desire to stay alive and live off its host (you). This life form knows how to hide, how to protect itself in a bio-film that is resistant to anti-biotics. They are nocturnal, moving around at night, crawling under your skin, which is why you feel worse at night. The new and FULL MOON is their most active period.
Full moon parasite cleanse is a 5 day program that runs with the full moon cycle (2 days before, day of full moon and two days after). These are the best days of the month to kill adults, eggs and hatchlings.
PRICE : $129 full program, includes: 2 - 3 hours each day (your choice) OF CLEANSING FREQUENCIES, snacks that help eliminate parasites, tips on home self care.
Full Moon Parasite Cleanse
Scalar & PERL Frequencies
Feb 10th - 14
March 12 - 16
April 10 - 14
8 am - 8 pm
$129 total
Register Now
First day of programming will be centered around calming and de-stressing, as well as cleaning waste removing organs, like the lymph system, kidneys, colon, GI track, spleen
2nd day will focus on programs for killing general microbes, parasites, worms, eggs and hatchlings, as well as programs for the viruses and bacterias that they carry.
Our focus will be on the most common parasites, cleaning your blood, working with any issues that may have placed viruses in the brain, liver and more. These contribute to the brain fog and digestion issues.

The last day focus will be frequencies to boost immunity and start the healing process of damaged organs. Suggest after the 5 day program is over that you continue with more wellness frequencies.
Open daily from 8 am - 8 pm, extending our hours daily, enabling you to fit this in to you day.
Parasite cleansing snacks and soups are included
We provide a relaxing serine space to absorb the frequencies. Frequencies are most effective when you are in a theta brain wave state, since it is energy information being absorb into every cell. You may take short restroom and nutrition breaks. ​​
NOTE: This is a pre-paid program. After your purchase, credits will be placed on your account by the system. First step: click any BOOK NOW BUTTON, Select prepaid in the top right corner, make purchase of "FULL MOON CLEANSE". Once purchased, continue booking by clicking the "SCALAR / PERL recharge sessions. Schedule 2 or 3 hour sessions for 5 days of the program. (three hours means you will just receive more, this depends on your personal issues and your available time)