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Oxygen Hydro Therapy
Micro-bubble Tub Soak

Deep Immersion Soak, Soft Music, Candle Lighting........$49

Thirty Minute Soak   Includes: towels, detoxing bath salts, essential oils, 

towel, private space


The tub is sanitized

between each usage

Billions of micro-bubble penetrate deep into the derma (skin, which is the bodies largest organ) Incredible feeling, as if you are floating, sensational, nothing like you would have ever experienced.  Total immersion in hot water, mineral salts,  and essential oils is a healing experience not just a luxury.

Soaking Tub At Healing Oasis, Charleston, SC




“The effects of Hydro

Micro-Bu​bble Therapy

will stay with you long

after the experience is over.”



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